
The REST API provides a number of resources to consume to check the offset of your address, check the price of carbon per tonne, or dig deep into the carbon debt of the market and contracts.


Fetches the current price of Carbon per tonne.

If you live and die by your love of Postman for API development, we provide a collection with examples that you can start using now.

You will need to create a new environment and ensure you have set the domain.



Fetch the amount of DOVU tokens that a given address needs to buy to offset its carbon footprint.


Fetches the current price of Carbon per tonne.

Market Debt

Fetches the current combined market debt of all projects.

Project Debt

Search, sort, and filter for projects that have carbon debt.

Rate Limiting

Please note that a number of our endpoints have been rate limited to prevent abuse, if you come across these issues consider using caching results to reduce hitting the API before reaching out to the DOVU team.

We are committed to further helping consumers of our APIs, for those with valid and novel use cases.

Last updated